Dispatch Command and Control work together or individually to keep track of People, Resources, Lift and Trail operations. You can report and track first-responder types of events at your resort, mountain, or park operation. It includes high-end touch-screen functionality to allow for hands-free operation when performing and creating dispatch information.
Configurable scenarios, events, and resources to mirror the first-responder operation.
Multi-user environment with “Screen Sync Technology.”
The Dispatch queue allows for the creation of any type of dispatch record.
Complete integration with 1RISK's Incident Management System and 1Admin locations.
Functionality for Lift and Trail dispatch management, trail open/close, surface conditions and avalanche control management.
Detailed reporting & advanced analytics allow your operation get a good read on response times.
Dispatch Command is an upgraded user interface allowing operations to set up and configure different scenarios that can be used to dispatch people and resources to any premises location.
From Injured Persons to Courtesy Rides to Water Rescues, with Dispatch Command you can monitor response times through visual cues representing the length of time the Dispatch has been active.
Send notifications to certain user groups when a specific event is logged and export pertinent data through an easy-to-navigate report.
With Dispatch Control, you are able to update Lift, Trail, and Park status from one centralized location. Efficiently manage daily status changes when a lift is opened, closed, or stopped. Add specific details to the status changes of your parks. Include Notes, Names of Operators, Speed, Surface Details and more, all from the control room.
Keep your guests in the loop with Dispatch Push Notifications. Push live Lift, Trail, and Park status data directly to your website. Allow guests to see status updates in real time by displaying opens, closes, and stops as they occur.
No centralized Dispatcher or control room? No problem!
ROS lets Lift Operators report Start, Stop, and Closes, lift speed, first and last chair, right from their lift terminal.
This new option provides the ability for operations to set a “Schedule” for Lifts. This will allow for setting the “Planned Open”, “Planned Close”, and a calculation of the “Planned Elapsed time in minutes”. Then the “Difference” between Planned and Actual will be Calculated in minutes also. You will also be able to set a “Reason” on why a Lift Opened Late OR Early for that matter.
1. Lift/Park/Trail location selector – Default view displays Lifts.
2. Specific Location selector – Narrow down your schedule view. Default view displays All.
3. For Date – View/Schedule Open and Closes starting on this date.
4. Repeat Schedule Until date – Repeat set times until this date.
5. Repeat Schedule Save button – This button saves all entered Open and Close times for the date range selected.
6. Show Actuals – Displays actual open/close times and additional data based on all log entries for that date.
7. Previous Day button.
8. Next Day button.
9. Refresh button.
10. Single Day Save button.