Develop Custom Forms
Every park is unique, now you can create custom forms that work the way you need them to.
Integrate With Other Applications
In version 2.0 we will have ability to integrate with other 1RISK applications such as Incident Management, Checklist, and Waiver Management.
Smart Searching
Via our 1Forms Query Tool (1Forms QT), you can view form query and view forms data, analyze and search for analytic trends or view or export the data form as it was submitted. You will also be able to export to Excel.
File Storage & Management
Keep collected information for future use.
Multiple Devices
Use 1FORMS on your phone, tablet or desktop computer.
Categorize Forms
Now you can organize your forms with custom Groups as well as secure forms between groups.
Integrate With Other Platforms
Develop custom forms that can be integrated with 1RISK applications, as well as particular 3rd party applications.
- Build custom forms for your other 1RISK applications to collect unique information.
- Connect to 3rd party POS systems.
- Connect to your website and collect information during the checkout process or for employment applications.
Easy To Build Forms
You have two options to build your forms:
1. Design your own forms by “Getting Certified” – In order for you to become a “Forms Designer,” 1RISK will require you to become a “1Forms Certified Designer,” by taking and passing a course to become a “Forms Designer."
By doing so, this prepares a Designer to know the builder tool side of the software and be aware of certain restrictions, requirements and functionality, before being allowed to Design Forms.
2. Let 1RISK Design forms for you - 1RISK would be happy to design a form for you. Just send us a copy of the form in PDF or MS Word format, and we will provide estimate of time and cost.
1FORMS Library
One Application Endless Possibilities
Collect job applications online from your website
Medical release forms
Missing item reports
Customize your checkout process
Request shirt sizes for group events
Create surveys
Inventory tracking
Collect allergy information from school groups
Gather custom information during security incidents
... And so much more!